Friday, October 31, 2008

T-minus 5 days!

Wow, been a while since we posted....

We are in the home stretch - closing on the house in 5 days. I can't wait. I'm excited to start getting things moved over and start spending some time there. I'll be taking Wed-Fri off work to start moving and getting things ready

Audrey's just excited to have me start painting..... in my opinion, the neon green and blue room looks just fine as it is. :-)

We're a bit stressed though, because we still have a lot of packing to do to get everything ready, still need a fridge, and there's still the wedding planning we've been putting off (cake, honeymoon, tuxes, invitations). We're still keeping busy with other things though, going to Dallas tonight and staying the weekend for a friend's wedding.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

AND visiting your favorite sister... aka getting free accommodations for a night